Posture Coaching
Sometimes we need a little help to get to where we want to be. My one-to-one coaching sessions take place in-person and online. So you can get posture help no matter where you live.

All the posture advice in the world won’t help, if you still spend 8 hours a day slumped over your keyboard, and the rest of the day hunched over your phone!
We have three quick and easy solutions to help supercharge your posture.
There’s a photo-assessment tool to help you check your desk and workspaces are set up well, a training tool to show you how to have great ergonomics throughout the day, with it’s own in-built AI expert to get you on track, and some FREE training courses all about posture, and, if you’re up for it, posture mindfulness.
Managing your posture *during* the day makes all that hard work worthwhile – what are you waiting for?
My Approach to Effective Posture coaching
I can’t lie and tell you there’s one quick fix to your posture problems. If only there was!
My posture coaching approach is more comprehensive, and focuses on your body posture, your posture awareness, learning how to hold yourself effortlessly well, and your space or environment.
Easy body awareness and posture skills. Take control of how you sit stand and move and learn this effortless skill.
Find how to sit or stand effortlessly at your computer, and how to get your chair, desk, keyboard mouse and monitor perfectly positioned – just for you.
Learn and practice new posture and ergonomic skills at your own pace, in your own time.
Great Posture for YOU and YOU alone!
One-size-fits-all solutions are never going to work for everyone. Your body shape, size, habits, and old injuries mean you’re in need of a personalised solution.
Together we’ll figure out the best way to fix your posture for good – no short term patch! By working together you get real-time feedback on how you’re improving, what’s working for you, and how to keep it all going so you can look forward to a comfortable future.
Good posture is more than just working out. you don’t need to be a muscle-mountain or a “super-flexible-mega-stretcher” to have good posture!
We don’t all have hours to spend in the gym doing uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous exercises. The modern idea of posture is all about looking buff, but that’s just not an option for most of us. You can blame social media for making us all want to look like supermodels.
We may not be muscled, tanned and gorgeous but we CAN have good-looking, comfortable, effortless posture.
Of course you can!
Small but effective changes are the key to Maintaining Results
Fixing your posture isn’t an event. You don’t just do something or other and then you’re fixed.
Fixing your posture is a process. So we learn how to sit well, how to stand well, how to use a computer well, how to feel and look better without effort.
So you change over time, and the changes stick. Easy!
My posture used to be awful, really really bad. But over time I learned how to have really comfortable, effortless, expansive posture. And I’m on a mission to help you have that too!
How to Learn – Wherever You Live
I try to set times so that most countries can find a timeslot to suit!
Personalized Posture Coaching for Working from Home
Your home wasn’t designed to be worked in! Find how to get it set up as best you can, either with no costs, or on a limited budget, or going all-in, no-holds-barred. You deserve to work comfortably!
My posture and workspace zoom sessions will make a massive difference to how how feel at the end of the day.