Are you suffering from back and neck pain during and after working at your computer?
If this is you, try these 3 Simple Tips to help you become more posture aware with less tension and pain.
1. Stop trying to sit up straight, and instead sit up ‘neutral’. Think into yourself as growing and expanding not tightening and stiffening.
2. Take a moment to check in on your jaw and neck. Are you tightening them? Could they be more relaxed? Try relaxing them and see how letting go of neck and jaw tension let’s go of back and chest tension too! Better?
3. Finally, do your eyes feel squinty and tight? Try letting them go! Tightening your eyes doesn’t help you see any better, but it does add tension, which is the enemy of good posture.
Now you’re a lot less stiff and tight, so you can sit in a nice neutral posture with much less tension. Ahhhh!