Better Dad Bod Posture – 10 Ways to to Fix it!
Have you got dad bod posture? Or maybe it’s not you you’re worried about, maybe your fella has a touch […]
Dad bod. No-one wants it. Do they?
Think about dad-bod. Good posture is the last thing that springs to mind. It’s possible to have both, and many people find an overly-fit muscled tone less of an attraction than someone with a few curves? Believe me!
The people promoting good posture usually have good posture. They also spend hours a day working out, in order to look good when they push their good posture message. Which is great, don’t get me wrong! I’d love to have a physique like those guys.
But the common error running throughout all this, is this. It’s easy to assume you have to be fit to have good posture. And that’s just not true at all.
Some of the best posture I see on TV is from people with a little extra weight. It’s just that their confidence and charisma mean they hold themselves really, really well.
Quite the opposite can be true, You’ll see people with hardly any fat on them, muscle bound/ripped as can be, with lordosis, or rounded shoulders.
Sit-ups are a prime example. They are all about shortening in the front, and rounding in the shoulders. Go for a six-pack at the expense of your expansive, open posture, and you’re going to end up with poor posture. There’s no two ways about it.
Let’s do a bit of work on improving our dad-bods. But do not do it at the expense of our posture!
Don’t confuse being ripped with having good posture!
Have you got dad bod posture? Or maybe it’s not you you’re worried about, maybe your fella has a touch […]