Posture Therapies and Treatments

Posture therapies and treatments range from the purely physical through to the purely mental.

When you first think about therapies for posture, you probably think of Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, and massage.

There are also therapies like Alexander Technique, or Mindfulness, that can change how self-aware you are, and so improve your posture.

We’re looking at these therapies in the section. Not Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates, Barre, Cross Fit, stretching, and weightlifting – those are in the posture exercises section.

What’s the difference between Physical Therapy and Osteopathy? How about the difference between Chiropractic and Osteopathy? And where does massage differ from Physical therapy? We take a look at the differences. But more importantly, we check out how each therapy works as a posture therapy.

We look at what the therapist or practitioner really does. What do they send you away to do? What it is that they describe as being ‘good posture’.

Which posture therapies and treatments you choose will result as a factor of many things – price, frequency, location and availability, recommendations from friends and family.

We ask, do you need to get on with your posture therapist? It they are just doing something quickly, you don’t need to make friends. But many people stick with the same massage therapist for years, not only because it feels good, but also because the become friends and enjoy the opportunity for a good chat. Or to moan about life’s problems!

So take a moment to explore our articles on which posture therapy is right for you, and how to choose one that will make a positive and lasting change in your life.

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