Common Posture Problems

Common posture problems can include, but aren’t limited to:
Forward head posture
Text neck
Vr neck
Rounded shoulders
Pot belly
Slouching or arched lower back – lordosis
Arched mid and upper back – kyphosis
Anterior pelvic tilt
Raised shoulders

You can see that most of these common posture problems relate to the back and spine. Often they are the result of bad posture habits such as:
Sitting badly
Sitting without moving for long periods of time.
And standing badly.
So these are often the result of how you go about your daily life.

Whilst stretching or manipulation can take some of the pain away, if you go ahead and behave like you always did, you’re likely to end up with just the same posture problem.

That’s why at Posture Stars we’re so keen to see you make changes that don’t just include going to a therapist.

To fix common posture problems requires changing habits and rountines, getting in some stretches and exercises, and sometimes going to a professional for some therapy or even just a good massage.
If you only swim, you’re likely to get posture problems commonly found in swimmers. If you just jog, you’re likely to get runners’ posture problems.

You can see the way you exrcise affects you and can often spot a person as being a sportsperson of one particular type or another. Take a shotputter as an example!

So be sure to mix up what you do, and how you do it, to give your body a break and ensure you don’t end up suffering the common posture problems that so many people have.

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