Posture Devices Apps and Wearables

We take a look at posture devices apps and wearables. Can they help you fix bad posture?

These range from simple corsets, through break timers, all the way to posture monitoring devices that connect to your smartphone and relay real-time or regular updates to you.

The most popular posture devices are also the easiest to source. That’s posture correctors. Coming in all ranges of size and stiffness, they simply aim to pull you back into shape. They also make it feel awkward to have bad posture, so they can be a handy reminder when your posture is bad. But some specialists claim that, while they are a good short-term posture aid, they can be a problem in the long term, as they take away some of the effort muscles require to stay strong. This leaves the risk of weakening, meaning you could end up with worse posture than when you started! So these devices are usually recommended to be used in conjunction with other posture fixes like strengthening, for example. Or any of the other exercises that we discuss that can help you get good posture.

Posture devices apps and wearables are becoming more popular, and can be anything from a break timer to letting you know you’re holding your smartphone at a bad angle.

When you match a specific app with it’s own wearable, that’s when things really pick up. On-body units that talk directly to your smartphone app are on the rise, and may be very popular soon.

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